

Elmore County Mystery - Who put the Flag there?

An American flag sits all alone on a rocky ridge on I-84
and last updated

MOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho — The American flag flies in many different places - businesses ... schools ... and churches. But there's one, in particular, that flies in the Elmore County and is a bit of a mystery.

If you travel south on I-84 you've probably noticed it waving high up on a rocky ridge between Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry, an American flag proudly displayed, but why there? And who put it there?

Sandy Castellano, Commander of American Legion 26 has been around Elmore County for quite some time and says, "It's a beautiful sight to see that flag every time you go by right?"

"I wish I knew all those answers. It's one of those things where everybody expects it to be there. And there's somebody that's been faithfully taking care of that flag," continued Castellano.

I spoke with a local rancher who said she has replaced it once or twice when it was weathered by the storms but swears she's not the one who started it.

I asked Army veteran David Jett if he knew why, or who, put the flag on display. "All I know is if it's not there when I'm driving on I-84, I know it's not there, but I have no idea," laughed Jett.

And maybe that's what the person behind the I-84 flag intended. You drive by, you see it, maybe reflect, or maybe you just smile.

If you know any of the back-story, or someone who might, please drop me a line at