BOISE, Idaho — On Monday, April 17, a portion of the Bethine Church River Trail on the Boise River Greenbelt has been closed due to flooding. This part of the trail, approx. 1.6 miles long, is unpaved and now underwater. The closure is between mile markers 3.0 and 3.5, and signage is in place along the closed area, as well as directing to the suggested detour.
A second closure was announced on Thursday, April 20, on the Boise River Greenbelt due to flooding under the West Parkcenter Bridge. The closure is approximately a quarter of a mile long causing the detour from Beacon St. to Leadville Ave. Trail users are urged to use the crosswalk when crossing Parkcenter Blvd.

Finally, a portion of the pedestrian-only pathway in Marianne Williams Park, a distance of approximately 0.37 miles, is also closed due to flooding. The detour takes users to the main greenbelt.
“As the Boise River continues to rise, we are urging people to use caution on the Greenbelt and adhere to any closures that are in place,” said Boise Parks and Recreation Director Holloway. “The water is high, cold, and moving fast. The temporary Greenbelt closures are necessary to keep everyone safe when the pathway is flooded like this.”
River flows are currently above average for this time of year measuring 5500cfs. Depending on the weather, the US Army Corps of Engineers cautions that this rate could increase to as much as 6000cfs over the weekend.