

Get ready to talk turkey at Twisted Turkey

Neighborhood gathering spot is great place for coffee and good conversation
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BOISE, Idaho — The Twisted Turkey is more than just a place to stop on Highway 21 on your way to Idaho City. It truly is a neighborhood gathering place for the folks living in the area.

The second you walk into the Twisted Turkey you can smell the coffee and fresh donuts, it is Jeanie Kettleman’s way of saying, "Welcome." Oh and then there’s the stuff. A consignment store that has just about everything you need or don’t.

The money wall, where visitors can sign their names and be remembered for as long as Jeanie feels your stories are still worth sharing. So, I had to ask, how important is it to have a place where neighbors can come and sit? “It’s really important because that way everybody knows their neighbors, a phone call or a text if something goes on," said Kettleman.

And you never know who will drop in. Take Robert Hanks, who goes by Blair or even Hal. Blair explains, "For some reason the first six months I met these guys they called me Hal. I’ve been in here enough; it’s hard to keep up with her because she arranges a lot."

 Jeanie moved here with her late husband years ago, but still misses the big city just a little bit. I asked. “Do you ever regret moving here from Melba? She replied, "No, not one bit but don’t get me wrong I’m looking for a second place in Melba."

 Maybe a Twisted Turkey Two? Just don’t forget to put the coffee on. So the next time you find yourself up or down Highway 21, stop by the Twisted Turkey have a cup of coffee and say hi.