

Golden Knights Army Parachute Team will perform at Gowen Thunder

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BOISE, Idaho — The Idaho National Guard has put together Idaho's largest air show and it is free. Gowen Thunder starts on Saturday, but we got an early look at some of the performances.

The Air Force Thunderbirds were flying with precision, Brad Wursten showed off his aerobatic MX2 aircraft, and we saw the Golden Knights Army Parachute Team fall from the sky.

A member of the Golden Knights enters the landing zone

"For the people who have never jumped out of an airplane, it is life-altering," said SSG. Justin Brenner. "I did my first tandem jump in 2013, and ever since I did that jump, I was like, 'Man! This is what I want to do.'"

This elite skydiving team dates back to 1959, as they represent the Army in a really cool way, with precision jumps out of a C147-8 twin turboprop passenger plane that has been modified for jumping and transporting them all over the country.

SSG. Brenner

"We do get to travel to a lot of cool places that a normal skydiver would never get an opportunity to do," said Brenner. "A few of those would be Yankee Stadium, UT Austin, the Chiefs game, and now we get to jump here in Boise, Idaho."

The team jumped from 6,000 feet on Friday, but they tell us the most important part of their demonstration comes after they land - when they get to interact with the crowd and help the people understand the United States Army.

"Our main focus to bridge that gap," said SFC. Zach Krietenstein. "Oh I love it! It’s demanding, but it is very rewarding, as we get to travel the country and meet a bunch of amazing people."

The team arrived in Boise on Thursday night, so they haven't had time to check it out, but Krietenstein is familiar with Twin Falls because of the Perrine Bridge.

The team jumps out of the airplane

"That’s exactly why I went there. It is a little playground for base jumpers," said Krietenstein. "A lot of us will travel to Twin Falls and take, like, a week long trip and just stay there the whole time."

The Golden Knights Army Parachute Team will be in action on Saturday and Sunday as the opening ceremonies start at 10:30 a.m. with the show ending at 3:30 p.m.

Packing the parachute

Gowen Field has 25,000 parking spaces available, they will also have designated parking areas with shuttles and my advice would be to bring earplugs for the entire family.