

Governor Otter receives Distinguished Service Medal

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Outgoing Governor "Butch" Otter received a special honor from the National Guard this week. Otter, who as governor, served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Idaho National Guard, was presented with the Idaho Distinguished Service Medal.

During his tenure, Governor Otter oversaw numerous Idaho National Guard deployments, including the states largest units-- the 116th Calvary Brigade Combat Team and the 124th Fighter Wing. He also closely coordinated with the Guard, during 33 state disasters and more than a dozen federal fire disasters. Governor Otter says he was touched by the recognition.

"It was a little tender. I have to tell you it was a little tender. I felt a little tender about it and I usually have an alibi when my right eye starts leaking. Because I do have a leaky eye and it might appear to some people that I'm actually crying and tearing up," said Otter.

The governor is no stranger to military service. Butch Otter previously served in the 116th Armored Calvary as a Calvary Scout from 1968 to 1973.