

Grocery store workers have been essential during the pandemic

Posted 9:56 PM, Feb 07, 2021
and last updated 2:58 AM, Feb 08, 2021

BOISE, Idaho — During the pandemic grocery store works, gas station attendants, truck drivers and other essential workers have helped people get through life during COVID-19.

We stopped by Albertsons on Vista to find out what it has been like to work through such a unique time.

"It's been different we have had to adjust to everything," said Peter Steffens. "But it's also the same because everyone needs to eat, everybody needs groceries."

Peter Steffens has worked at Albertsons for 26 years, it was his first job and it would be very difficult to find someone who has a better attitude than Peter.

“Peter is definitely a treasure to Albertsons and our community," said store manager Rob Baker. "He brings a smile to people’s faces whether or not you think you are happy by the time you meet him you are happy.”

Whether it was during the lockdown, or throughout the summer, or in the fall cases started to spike Steffens and his coworkers have gone to work every day to ensure people have what they need to get by.

But if you are lucky enough to get Peter at the cash register, you will probably be leaving the store with a smile on your face, check out the video for the real story.