

Health and Welfare adds COVID-19 vaccine tracker; Idaho reports more than 1,800 new cases

and last updated

This article was originally published by Rachel Roberts in the Idaho Statesman.

The public can now keep track of how many COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Idaho using the tracker posted on the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s website.

On Monday, health care workers at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg were the first Idahoans to receive the new Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. As of Tuesday, 38 vaccine doses had been administered statewide, according to IDHW.

Hospitals throughout Idaho are expecting to receive their first vaccine shipments this week. These shipments are designated for hospital staff and outpatient clinic staff who provide care for COVID-19 patients, according to Health and Welfare.

As the vaccine rollout begins in earnest, the state’s seven public health districts reported a combined 1,435 new confirmed cases and 402 probable cases for a total of 1,837 new cases Tuesday.

Roughly 1,000 of the new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were between three counties — Ada (483 new, 28,118 total), Kootenai (347 new, 9,442 total) and Canyon (176 new, 16,377 total). Ada County’s seven-day moving average has been above 400 cases per day five times over the last six days. The current average stands at 416.4 cases per day.

There also were 17 new coronavirus-related deaths added to the state’s total Tuesday. Ada (4 new, 295 total), Bannock (2 new, 48 total), Bonneville (4 new, 95 total) and Canyon (3 new, 184 total) counties each saw multiple deaths. Bonner (12 total), Custer (2 total), Jefferson (13 total) and Twin Falls (107 total) counties each announced one new death.

Idaho has lost 1,219 residents to the virus since the start of the pandemic with a case fatality rate of about 0.98%.

The other counties adding new confirmed cases were: Adams (4 new, 123 total), Bannock (46 new, 3,403 total), Bear Lake (3 new, 177 total), Bingham (36 new, 2,134 total), Blaine (10 new, 1,381 total), Boise (2 new, 158 total), Bonner (17 new, 1,247 total), Bonneville (88 new, 7,037 total), Boundary (3 new, 210 total), Butte (2 new, 121 total), Cassia (1 new, 2,150 total), Clark (1 new, 44 total), Clearwater (4 new, 589 total), Custer (2 new, 154 total), Elmore (11 new, 849 total), Franklin (7 new, 638 total), Fremont (2 new, 749 total), Gem (12 new, 1,003 total), Gooding (4 new, 804 total), Idaho (3 new, 764 total), Jefferson (4 new, 1,443 total), Jerome (7 new, 1,708 total), Latah (23 new, 1,893 total), Lewis (1 new, 240 total), Lincoln (7 new, 326 total), Madison (14 new, 4,410 total), Minidoka (3 new, 1,678 total), Nez Perce (23 new, 2.543 total), Oneida (6 new, 166 total), Owyhee (16 new, 735 total), Payette (6 new, 1,565 total), Power (2 new, 403 total), Shoshone (19 new, 650 total), Twin Falls (21 new, 6,065 total), Valley (13 new, 273 total) and Washington (6 new, 704 total).

Idaho has seen 103,921 confirmed cases overall, plus 20,279 probable cases. Health and Welfare estimates that 48,070 of those cases have recovered.


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 38, according to Health and Welfare.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 4,908 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 895 admissions to the ICU and 5,995 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of Dec. 14, the health system was reporting 111 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 349 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 16%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of Dec. 14, the health system was reporting 93 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 317 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 25.6%.

Boise School District: The district says the following schools or units have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases among students or staff from Dec. 1-14: District Services (5), DTEC (1), Frank Church High School (2), Hawthorne Elementary (2), Liberty Elementary (2), Longfellow Elementary (1), Lowell Elementary (1), Monroe Elementary (1), Pierce Park Elementary (1), Riverglen Junior High (1), South Jr. High (1), Taft Elementary (2), Trail Wind Elementary (1), Whitney Elementary (2), Whittier Elementary (1).

West Ada School District: The district says the following schools or units have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases among students or staff for Dec. 1-14: Centennial High (17), Central Academy (1), Eagle Academy (3), Eagle High (14), Idaho Fine Arts (1), Meridian High (30), Mountain View High (25), Renaissance High (6), Rocky Mountain High (34), Crossroads Middle (1), Eagle Middle (5), Heritage Middle (6), Lake Hazel Middle (8), Lewis and Clark Middle (8), Lowell Scott Middle (5), Meridian Middle (7), Pathways Middle (2), Sawtooth Middle (11), Star Middle (3), Victory Middle (5), Barbara Morgan STEM (5), Cecil D. Andrus Elementary (2), Chaparral Elementary (1), Chief Joseph School of the Arts (3), Christine Donnell (5), Desert Sage Elementary (2), Discovery Elementary (3), Eagle Hills Elementary (5), Eliza Hart Spalding STEM (1), Frontier Elementary (1), Galileo STEM Academy (2), Hillsdale Elementary (1), Hunter Elementary (1), Joplin Elementary (1), Lake Hazel Elementary (1), Mary McPherson (2), Meridian Elementary (3), Paramount Elementary (2), Peregrine Elementary (1), Pioneer School of the Arts (3), Pleasant View Elementary (3), Ponderosa Elementary (5), Prospect Elementary (3), River Valley Elementary (3), Siena Elementary (3), Silver Sage Elementary (1), Star Elementary (1), Summerwind STEM Academy (1), Ustick Elementary (1), Willow Creek Elementary (2).

Testing totals: At the end of the day Tuesday, Health and Welfare reported that 511,544 people had been tested statewide. About 20.3% of those have been positive for COVID-19.

Counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases: Ada 28,118, Adams 123, Bannock 3,403, Bear Lake 177, Benewah 302, Bingham 2,134, Blaine 1,381, Boise 158, Bonner 1,247, Bonneville 7,037, Boundary 210, Butte 121, Camas 42, Canyon 16,377, Caribou 270, Cassia 2,150, Clark 44, Clearwater 589, Custer 154, Elmore 849, Franklin 638, Fremont 749, Gem 1,003, Gooding 804, Idaho 764, Jefferson 1,443, Jerome 1,708, Kootenai 9,442, Latah 1,893, Lemhi 383, Lewis 240, Lincoln 326, Madison 4,410, Minidoka 1,678, Nez Perce 2,543, Oneida 166, Owyhee 735, Payette 1,565, Power 403, Shoshone 650, Teton 450, Twin Falls 6,065, Valley 273, Washington 704.