

Highway striping season gets underway


Roadway striping season is underway on Idaho roadways, according to the Idaho Transportation Department.

Annual repainting or striping keeps the markings visible so drivers can know where they are at on the roadway, an important safety feature especially in low-visibility conditions.

“During a striping operation, motorists will encounter four Idaho Transportation Department vehicles in a procession: two buffer trucks, a crash truck and a paint truck. The operation moves slowly, between 15 to 20 miles per hour. To reduce delays, the painting crew will find a safe location and flag motorists safely around the paint trucks,” said ITD spokesman Vince Trimboli.

The procession includes clearly-posted flashing signs alerting drivers the paint is wet -- and to stay in their lane of travel. “Driving through freshly striped areas can cause paint to be thrown onto a car and compromise the quality of the striping. Damage that occurs due to a failure to comply with advisory signs is considered the responsibility of the driver,” Trimboli stated.

"If motorists encounter a striping operation in progress, they are encouraged to obey signs, not drive on wet paint, stay in their lane and slow down," said ITD District 3 Engineer Amy Revis. "Our crews will move over and let traffic by so they don't hold you up longer then necessary."