

How is your ZIP code doing when it comes to vaccination rates?

COVID-19 Vaccine Vials
and last updated

BOISE, Idaho — In April, Idaho News 6 requested vaccination rates in Idaho by ZIP code. We found that Caldwell had one of the lowest vaccination rates in Treasure Valley.

In July we requested an update to those numbers. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare recently provided those numbers through August 19. We compared the most recent data with the one released back in the spring to find out how far our vaccination rates have come in that time.

Related: Nearly half of eligible adults in Idaho are vaccinated. Here's what zip codes have the highest vaccine rates.

How is your zip code doing?

It is important to note that ZIP codes with a 100% vaccination rate are due to the number of people being vaccinated who live in that area either meeting or surpassing the total number of the population according to 2019 U.S. Census data.

Here is how the Treasure Valley compares with those numbers from the spring, and where they currently stand as of the August 19 data.

Boise Zip Code Vaccination Rates as of August
Comparison of Boise's Zip Codes to the Spring and where they stand as of August 19.

Boise's ZIP codes rose at least 7% from April to August.

Meridian Vaccination Rate as of August
Meridian's vaccination rate as of August 19 data.

Meridian's 83642 ZIP code rose more than 11% from April to August.

Nampa's vaccination rate as of August
Nampa's vaccination rates as of August,19 data.

All of Nampa's ZIP codes did increase some from April to August but still remain below the 40% mark.

Caldwell's vaccination rate as of August
Caldwell's vaccination rate as of August, 19 data.

Caldwell had one of the lowest vaccination rates in the Treasure Valley back in April with just over 18%. August's data shows just a six percent increase from the spring.

The Food and Drug Administration gave the Pfizer vaccine full approval on August, 23. ou can find more information about the vaccination process on Idaho's COVID-19 vaccine dashboard.