

I.A.E.Y.C. hosts “Early Learning Day” at the State Capitol

Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children hosted a large number of groups to display their preschool programs

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children hosted an event called “Early Learning Day” that included groups from around the state to promote preschool education.

  • State lawmakers say they want parents to make decision about preschool education
  • Preschool groups from around the state displayed what their programs offer

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story.)

A group organized by the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children hosted an event called “Early Learning Day” that included groups from around the state to promote preschool education. I asked Tennille Call with United Way of Southeastern Idaho why should lawmakers help subsidize a private company that offers preschool. “We have a lot of rural communities in Idaho. In American Falls it’s very rural, high poverty and we need the ability for those families to access these programs," answered Call.

 I asked a mother from Idaho City who was there with her young boy why she decided to come to the State House today. “Why, it helps them be more successful not only in school but life in general that early learning, it sets them up with the structure that they need interact, with others it sets them up for the rest of their lives," she told me.

State Legislators I spoke with want the parents to make the decision. Representative Ron Mendive from Coeur d' Alene answered it this way. “The best is the parent to the instructing this climate with inflation both parents have to work it creates the need of child care of some sorts.”

“Obviously it’s a parents responsibility but we have so many great resources in helping us in doing that," added Representative Matt Bundy from Mountain Home.

As we do with other Legislative issues, Idaho News 6 will let you know if there are any updates.