

Idaho Gov. signs law banning fetal tissue sale


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Gov. C. L. "Butch" Otter signed a law Tuesday banning the sale or donation of fetal tissue in Idaho, even though no such practice exists in the state.

The law, called the Idaho Unborn Infants Dignity Act, prohibits clinics from donating fetal tissue. It also bans research centers and universities from using fetal tissue in any future study.

The Republican-backed legislation is in response to undercover videos released last summer that alleged Planned Parenthood officials were selling fetal tissue for profit.

The videos were later determined to be altered, and a Texas grand jury indicted the anti-abortion activists who made the videos.

Otter sparked the ire of 30 conservative state lawmakers last year when he declined to investigate Planned Parenthood clinics in Idaho following the release of the videos. He said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.