
Idaho lawmakers mull possible campaign disclosure changes


Idaho lawmakers are mulling several key changes to the state's campaign disclosure laws -- to shine more transparency into a system has seen more money funneled into state and local elections.

The bipartisan working group met Monday to hear possible recommendations from the state's top lobbyists and Secretary of State Lawerence Denney. The goal is to have the panel submit suggestions to legislative leaders before the 2018 Legislature begins in January.

Alex LaBeau, the leader of Idaho's influential pro-business lobby, says Idaho's disclosure laws should have more robust reporting requirements because candidates no longer have an offseason when it comes to campaigning.

Meanwhile, Denney -- who serves as the state's top election chief -- suggested local elections should file campaign finance reports if they receive more than $500. Currently, local candidates running for school boards or county coroner are exempt from filing a sunshine report.

Associated Press