

130 year sentence in Idaho child porn case

130 year sentence in Idaho child porn case

A Shoshone man will spend the next 130 years in federal prison for sexually exploiting a child multiple times.

William Roger Wilkinson was originally arrested in May of 2013 after a child was reported to have been sexually abused.

After Wilkinson was arrested but released on bond, Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies searched his home and found child pornography on his computer.

A warrant was issued for his arrest and Wilkinson fled his place of work in Twin Falls, Idaho when deputies showed up on November 2nd, 2013 to arrest him.

Wilkinson made it to Salt Lake City and was arrested on November 12th by the United States Marshal’s Service Fugitive Task Force.

The FBI obtained a warrant to search the truck Wilkinson had driven to Utah and found a laptop computer and other evidence.

"Appropriately, Mr. Wilkinson will spend the rest of his life in federal prison, where he can no longer directly harm his young victim or pose any further threat to children," said Olson.  "This sentence sends the strong and clear message that those who prey on the most vulnerable among us will face sure and stern punishment."

Wilkinson was also ordered to forfeit his home which will assist in paying for court-ordered restitution totaled at $155,766.36.