The Idaho National guard has several commitments over the next couple of weeks going to different ceremonies in communities across Idaho. Plus training never really ends for the guard, so they decided to hold their Memorial Day dedication early this year.
Every year service members in the guard come together at Gowen Memorial Park to honor the men and women who have given their lives for our country.
"It’s respect and honor for those who have paved the way for the United States to be what we are and what we can be," said CSM Linda Burkhart of the Idaho National Guard. "It’s a heartfelt tribute that we give."
The ceremony included a fly over by four A-10 Warthogs, the playing of taps and a three cannon salute by the Idaho Military Historical Society.
They also read off the names of more than 50 servicemen who will forever have bricks in the courtyard of this park after their families bought these bricks.

This is part of a fundraiser for improvements to this park that was created in 2008, the next thing they want to do is build an amphitheater so they don't have to drag chairs out for every special event.
"It’s a beautiful park if you look around," said Burkhart. "We want it to be a place where families and friends come and see the bricks that they have laid for their family members so they can come and honor then whenever they want and spend some time in the park."

For CSM Burkhart it's her chance to say thank you and put together a special memorial for the Idaho National Guard she has so much pride for.
"It’s been a great honor to be a part of this and I’m going to continue when I retire," said Burkhart. "It’s a beautiful memorial and it is in our hearts and our souls to do this for all of our service members."

If you are interested in getting a brick those can be purchased through the Idaho Military Museum for $50 or $100 depending on the size, people can also make donations to the museum to help fund improvements for Gowen Field Memorial Park.