

Idaho sends anti-Shariah law bill to House


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A bill prohibiting Shariah law from influencing Idaho courts advanced to the House floor on Thursday, but the bill's future is uncertain.

The House State Affairs Committee voted to amend the bill on the House floor after several lawmakers expressed concerns about how the measure would impact international contracts. It's unknown if House lawmakers will amend and vote on the bill before the Legislature adjourns in the next week.

The legislation would keep Idaho courts and government agencies from basing rulings on foreign laws. It doesn't specifically mention the strict interpretation of Islamic law, called Shariah law.  However, Republican Rep. Redman, of Athol says that was a major concern in drafting the legislation.

Redman says 10 other states have passed similar measures.

Meanwhile, another House committee approved a separate bill Thursday that would expressly allow the Bible to be used in public school instruction.