

Idaho police arrest Caldwell man accused of child sex crimes, possessing child porn

Police lights
and last updated

This article was originally published by Jacob Scholl in the Idaho Statesman.

Investigators arrested a 29-year-old Caldwell man on Saturday who is accused of sex crimes against children and possessing child pornography.

Conrad J. Hull was arrested by Idaho’s Internet Crimes Against Children unit, as well as Caldwell Police, and booked into the Canyon County jail, according to a news release from the Idaho Attorney General’s Office.

Hull was charged with four felonies in 3rd District Court: lewd conduct with a child under 16, and three counts related to the possession, promotion and distribution of child porn, according to online court records.

He was booked into jail at 1:45 a.m. Saturday.

Online court records showed Hull with an arraignment hearing set for Monday. No bond amount was listed.

If you or someone you know has information regarding the exploitation of children, please call the local police; or the attorney general’s ICAC unit at 208-947-8700. You can also call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5678.