

Idaho police on heightened alert for impaired drivers through Labor Day

and last updated

IDAHO — Idaho police departments will be dispatching additional patrols and will be on heightened alert for impaired DUI drivers through Labor Day; this comes as the 100 Deadliest Days comes to an end.

Patrols will begin August 17, 2020 and continue through September 7, 2020, according to a press release from the Idaho Transportation Department.

"Impaired driving greatly impacts our communities," said Idaho State Police Trooper Tauna Davis. "With increased patrols, we are aiming to not only change behavior, but prevent injuries and lives lost as a result of impaired driving."

According to ITD, "Last year, impaired-driving fatalities increased by nearly 27% across the state compared to 2018. There were 99 people killed in impaired driving crashes, with 37 of those fatalities occurring during the 100 Deadliest Days."

"We know strong enforcement of impaired driving laws is a major factor in reducing DUI related deaths," said Idaho State Police Trooper Scott Bolen. "It's tough to tell what all we prevent, but we know families are together today because of strong DUI enforcement and that's why we do it."

Idaho State Police have released some statistics on the impact of driving impaired:

  • In 2019, DUI fatalities increased by nearly 27% across Idaho, according to the ITD Office of Highway Safety.
  • Approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the US involve drunk drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
  • In 2018, 10,511 people were killed in DUI crashes; that's one person every 50 minutes, according to data from NHTSA.

Increased messaging about the dangers of impaired driving will be carried out through ITD as well through billboards and social media.

If you see a suspected impaired driver on the road, call the REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) toll free number at 1-800-233-1212, cellular *477 (*ISP) or call 911.