

Idaho reports fewer than 200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the second day in a row

and last updated

This article was originally published by Ron Counts in the Idaho Statesman.

For the second day in a row, Idaho reported fewer than 200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Monday.

Idaho’s seven health districts reported 188 new cases. On Sunday, 152 cases were added to the state’s total, which now stands at 29,832 since the pandemic began.

Five deaths related to the virus were reported on Monday. Three were in Canyon County and one was in Ada. Canyon has lost 78 residents because of COVID since the pandemic began, and Ada has lost 126.

Bonneville County lost its 11th resident to the virus — a female in her 70s, according to a press release from Eastern Idaho Public Health.

According to the Idaho Department of Correction, a 64-year-old inmate from the Idaho State Correctional Center died on Sunday at a Boise hospital. He was the second IDOC inmate to die from the virus, according to a press release. The first was 66-year-old Frank Dawson Conover, who also had been taken to a hospital and died there.

Idaho has seen 364 die from the virus.

Three cases were removed Monday from Minidoka’s count, which now stands at 514. One case was removed from Boise County, which now has 48 total; one from Lewis County, which has eight; and one from Custer, which has 28.

Cases were added Monday in the following counties: Ada (61 new, 10,433 total), Bannock (5 new, 625 total), Benewah (1 new, 111 total), Bingham (1 new, 448 total), Blaine (1 new, 588 total), Bonneville (27 new, 1,476 total), Butte (1 new, 20 total), Canyon (18 new, 6,823 total), Elmore (1 new, 233 total), Fremont (1 new, 101 total), Gooding (3 new, 199 total), Idaho (1 new, 41 total), Jefferson (6 new, 299 total), Jerome (4 new, 536 total), Kootenai (16 new, 2,168 total), Latah (9 new, 232 total), Madison (1 new, 199 total), Nez Perce (12 new, 274 total), Oneida (1 new, 19 total), Owyhee (1 new, 276 total), Payette (6 new, 587 total), Power (1 new, 125 total), Shoshone (1 new, 195 total), Teton (1 new, 108 total), Twin Falls (8 new, 1,514 total) and Washington (6 new, 259 total).

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reports that 14,963 people have recovered from the disease. It also reported 30 new “probable” cases on Monday, bringing the state’s total to 2,341.


Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 1,394 hospitalizations because of the coronavirus, 379 admissions to the ICU and 2,064 health care workers who have been infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of Aug. 30, the hospital was reporting a 14-day coronavirus testing positivity rate of 9%, with 33 patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 out of 370 patients overall.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of Aug. 30, the hospital was reporting a 14-day coronavirus positivity testing rate of 18%, with 53 patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 out of 289 patients overall.

Boise School District: The district says the following schools have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases among students or staff since Aug. 17: Adams Elementary (2 cases), Boise Online School (1), Borah High (2), Hillcrest Elementary (1), Roosevelt Elementary (1) and West Junior High (1).

Testing totals: At the end of the day Monday, Health and Welfare reported that 255,348 tests had been completed statewide. About 12.5% of those have been positive for COVID-19.

Counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases: Ada 10,433, Adams 24, Bannock 625, Bear Lake 37, Benewah 111, Bingham 448, Blaine 588, Boise 48, Bonner 206, Bonneville 1,476, Boundary 43, Butte 20, Camas 3, Canyon 6,823, Caribou 40, Cassia 529, Clark 17, Clearwater 20, Custer 28, Elmore 233, Franklin 51, Fremont 101, Gem 188, Gooding 199, Idaho 41, Jefferson 299, Jerome 536, Kootenai 2,168, Latah 232, Lemhi 51, Lewis 8, Lincoln 58, Madison 199, Minidoka 514, Nez Perce 274, Oneida 19, Owyhee 276, Payette 587, Power 125, Shoshone 195, Teton 108, Twin Falls 1,514, Valley 78 and Washington 259.

Counties with community spread: Ada, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley and Washington.