

Idaho reports more than 860 new coronavirus cases statewide, nearly 200 in Ada County

and last updated

This article was originally published by Ruth Brown in the Idaho Statesman.

Idaho reported 648 new confirmed coronavirus cases on Monday and 218 new probable cases, for a total of 868, and also added 12 deaths to the COVID-19-related total.

Ada County reported 192 new confirmed cases, according to Health and Welfare. That brings the countywide total to 33,751 confirmed infections, by far the most in the state.

Canyon County reported 91 new confirmed cases, raising its total to 18,210, according to Southwest District Health. Kootenai County reported 122 new confirmed cases and its total stands at 11,645, according to Health and Welfare.

Statewide, 12 new deaths because of COVID-19-related causes were reported Monday. The statewide death toll now stands at 1,462 people. Monday’s newly reported deaths included three in Bingham County, two in Canyon County and two in Kootenai County. Franklin, Bannock, Madison, Valley and Benewah each reported one new death.

Health and Welfare has reported 24,827 probable cases as of Monday, and the state estimates 61,493 people have recovered from COVID-19. Since the pandemic reached Idaho, 118,601 cases have been confirmed. As of Monday, 19,569 vaccine doses had been administered, with 450 of them reported overnight.

Other counties to confirm new cases of coronavirus include: Valley (7 new, 408 total), Shoshone (6 new, 810 total), Benewah (1 new, 350 total), Boundary (2 new, 272 total), Bonner (21 new, 1,690 total), Nez Perce (21 new, 2,813 total), Latah (23 new, 2,057 total), Idaho (7 new, 822 total), Clearwater (2 new, 627 total), Lewis (3 new, 255 total), Bannock (11 new, 3,916 total), Bear Lake (1 new, 211 total), Bingham (7 new, 2,296 total), Franklin (16 new, 743 total), Bonneville (8 new, 7,772 total), Custer (1 new, 164 total), Fremont (2 new, 786 total), Lemhi (1 new, 392 total), Madison (11 new, 4,686 total), Blaine (2 new, 1,453 total), Cassia (7 new, 2,276 total), Gooding (2 new, 850 total), Jerome (9 new, 1,804 total), Lincoln (1 new, 343 total), Minidoka (7 new, 1,781 total), Twin Falls (39 new, 6,399 total), Adams (7 new, 212 total), Gem (5 new, 1,128 total), Owyhee (3 new, 799 total), Payette (5 new, 1,713 total), Washington (5 new, 770 total)


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 19,569, according to Health and Welfare.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 5,745 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 1,036 admissions to the ICU and 7,198 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of Jan. 3, the health system was reporting 63 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 444 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 14%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of Jan. 3, the health system was reporting 81 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 349 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 24%.

Testing totals: At the end of the day Monday, Health and Welfare reported that 550,308 people had been tested statewide. About 21.6% of those have been positive for COVID-19.

Counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases: Ada 33,751 Adams 212, Bannock 3,916, Bear Lake 211, Benewah 350, Bingham 2,296, Blaine 1,453, Boise 189, Bonner 1,690, Bonneville 7,772, Boundary 272, Butte 136, Camas 42, Canyon 18,210, Caribou 286, Cassia 2,276, Clark 44, Clearwater 627, Custer 164, Elmore 1,039, Franklin 743, Fremont 786, Gem 1,128, Gooding 850, Idaho 822, Jefferson 1,575, Jerome 1,804, Kootenai 11,645, Latah 2,057, Lemhi 392, Lewis 255, Lincoln 343, Madison 4,686, Minidoka 1,781, Nez Perce 2,813, Oneida 178, Owyhee 798, Payette 1,713, Power 422, Shoshone 810, Teton 486, Twin Falls 6,399, Valley 408, Washington 770.