

Idaho sees small increase in COVID-19 numbers with 482 new cases, adds 2 deaths

and last updated

This article was originally published by Nicole Blanchard in the Idaho Statesman.

Idaho health officials reported 482 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, a slight uptick from new case totals in recent days.

Two counties — Ada and Bonneville — accounted for more than half of the reported cases Tuesday. Each county added 122 cases, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare data showed. It’s the second day in a row that Bonneville County, home to Idaho Falls, has added triple-digit new cases.

Officials also reported two new deaths related to COVID-19, one in Bonner (33 total) and one in Kootenai (187 total) counties. Those bring the state’s overall deaths to 1,892 since the pandemic reached Idaho last March.

By Tuesday, 173,790 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 had been reported in Idaho. More than 96,000 of those are considered “recovered” by Health and Welfare.

The following Idaho counties added new cases Tuesday: Ada (122 new, 47,416 total), Adams (1 new, 332 total), Bannock (20 new, 7,995 total), Benewah (2 new, 630 total), Bingham (17 new, 4,358 total), Blaine (1 new, 2,194 total), Boise (2 new, 312 total), Bonner (10 new, 3,021 total), Bonneville (122 new, 12,685 total), Canyon (35 new, 24,934 total), Cassia (4 new, 2,873 total), Clearwater (1 new, 1,007 total), Elmore (5 new, 1,631 total), Franklin (1 new, 1,086 total), Fremont (1 new, 1,036 total), Jefferson (13 new, 2,534 total), Jerome (1 new, 2,515 total), Kootenai (61 new, 16,852 total), Latah (11 new, 2,818 total), Lemhi (1 new, 502 total), Lincoln (1 new, 487 total), Madison (19 new, 6,485 total), Minidoka (3 new, 2,291 total), Nez Perce (4 new, 3,388 total), Oneida (1 new, 331 total), Owyhee (2 new, 1,020 total), Payette (7 new, 2,392 total), Shoshone (1 new, 1,016 total), Teton (4 new, 1,106 total), Twin Falls (8 new, 9,046 total), Valley (2 new, 803 total) and Washington (1 new, 1,178 total).

Health officials removed one case in both Caribou (629 total) and Power (629 total) counties.


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 459,898, according to Health and Welfare. Of those, 170,503 people have been fully vaccinated.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 7,230 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 1,251 admissions to the ICU and 9,726 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of March 8, the health system was reporting 10 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 425 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 4%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of March 8, the health system was reporting 31 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 342 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 8.7%.

Boise School District: Reported confirmed cases since March 2: Borah High (3), Capital High (1), Garfield Elementary (3), Horizon Elementary (1), Maple Grove Elementary (1), Morley Nelson Elementary (1), North Jr. High (1), Riverglen Jr. High (1), Trail Wind Elementary (1).

West Ada School District: Reported confirmed cases for Feb. 24-March 9: Centennial High (1), Eagle High (5), Mountain View High (2), Renaissance High (1), Rocky Mountain High (2), Eagle Middle (1), Heritage Middle (1), Lake Hazel Middle (1), Sawtooth Middle (1), Barbara Morgan STEM Academy (1), Christine Donnell School of the Arts (2), Discovery Elementary (1), Hillsdale Elementary (1), Joplin Elementary (1), Mary McPherson Elementary (1), Peregrine Elementary (1), River Valley Elementary (1).

Total COVID-19 cases by county (confirmed + probable): Ada 47,416, Adams 332, Bannock 7,995, Bear Lake 360, Benewah 630, Bingham 4,358, Blaine 2,194, Boise 312, Bonner 3,021, Bonneville 12,685, Boundary 824, Butte 200, Camas 70, Canyon 24,934, Caribou 629, Cassia 2,873, Clark 54, Clearwater 1,007, Custer 233, Elmore 1,631, Franklin 1,086, Fremont 1,036, Gem 1,702, Gooding 1,270, Idaho 1,165, Jefferson 2,534, Jerome 2,515, Kootenai 16,852, Latah 2,818, Lemhi 502, Lewis 380, Lincoln 487, Madison 6,485, Minidoka 2,291, Nez Perce 3,388, Oneida 331, Owyhee 1,020, Payette 2,392, Power 629, Shoshone 1,016, Teton 1,106, Twin Falls 9,046, Valley 803, Washington 1,178.