

Idaho State to resume in-person classes for fall semester

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Idaho State announced plans to return students to in-person learning for the fall 2021 semester.

Due to increasing availability of the vaccine, ISU will return to in-person instruction and resume campus activities, the university announced Wednesday.

“I welcome and applaud the news about vaccine distribution,” ISU President Kevin Satterlee said in a statement. “This development will allow us to safely transition back to in-person learning, to provide the full college experience students want and expect, and to celebrate the campus traditions and activities that bring us closer as a Bengal community.”

The university announced health officials will continue to monitor public health guidance and create operating plans with health and safety in mind.

ISU will continue to enforce use of face coverings, social distancing measures, conduct contact tracing and require permission and protocols for events "as long as circumstances require."

“Our personal actions and responsibility are the most powerful tools in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We all must remain vigilant as we focus on a return to on-campus operations,” Satterlee said.