The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline (ISPH) is looking for volunteer crisis responders for weekend and evening shifts. Higher crisis call and text volumes means that ISPH needs more trained volunteers to help on the lines. So far this year, the number of crisis calls has already surpassed 2017 by 3000 calls.
The ISPH team trains volunteers in the Boise area to be crisis phone workers. Volunteers do have to be 18 or older. The next training session begins on January 17 and finishes on February 23. Volunteers will have the option to complete the required two day Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) workshop early on January 17-18 or January 26-27. Orientation sessions are ongoing through the middle of January.
ISPH provides excellent training and experience, with volunteers receiving 55 hours of training. After the training session, volunteers commit to one 4.5 hour shift per week for one year. Volunteers are expected to have basic computer skills, including web, typing, and instant messaging.
If you are interesting in becoming a volunteer, call Alex McNish at 208-258-6992 or head to the ISPH website to apply.