

Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline receives $300K


The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline has received a $300,000 gift from the J.A. Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation to assist in upgrading the facility.

“We are concerned about teens in Idaho,” Albertson Family Foundation Executive Director Roger Quarles said. “This grant is just a start for what our state really needs to invest for comprehensive suicide prevention funding.”

The money will upgrade the ISPH communications infrastructure, assist in paying for phone costs for the next five years and help increase staffing at Idaho’s only nationally certified suicide prevention hotline.

We are so fortunate and grateful that the Albertson Family Foundation has taken this clear stand on the serious problem of youth suicide in our state,” Executive Director John Reusser said. “It has demonstrated a commitment to saving lives by supporting the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline.”

For more information about the hotline, visit here.