BOISE, IDAHO — "We're here, we're doing amazing things, and you too can do it as well," said Jess Flynn, CEO of Red Sky.
Flynn cofounded Red Sky, a successful Boise-based PR agency.
"For women leaders in Idaho, we almost have a mission that we need to be vocal and visible."
Being vocal and being visible--notions that were echoed at an Idaho Women in Leadership event led by former first lady of Idaho, Lori Otter.
"Today was a celebration of women in leadership today--acknowledging the women in the past," said Otter.
Flynn says part of her success is owed to the women in her past: "From my mother who was a small business owner, to some of my first bosses in television news who were women in the newsroom."
And when it comes to the women in our nation's history, Otter says it's important to acknowledge the ones who fought for women's rights.
"There'll be little celebrations of throughout the year of women that have come before us that have done great things," said Otter.
With her collaboration with Idaho State Historical Society, Otter says this event is just the beginning of commemorating the nineteenth amendment to the U.S. constitution.
"And looking towards the future and and what women need to do to continue to assume leadership positions and run for office," said Otter.
For Flynn, feeling empowered largely comes from her tribe of friends who aren't afraid to challenge her.
"I think in all cases, having that tribe that isn't just there to 'drink the kool-aid' with you but to challenge you to be better, is extremely important."
Additionally, life in the "digital age" has helped women connect and lift each other up, said Flynn.
"You have groups that are about collaborating over competing, or She Networks Boise, or Idaho Women in Leadership," said Flynn.
And when it comes to women in leadership in Idaho, Flynn said we are moving in the right direction.
"This 100-year celebration is a great platform for people to be able to see and hear about it, and focus in on what amazing women have come before us and who are here with us today."
Learn more about upcoming events in the Idaho Women 100 campaign here.