

You now have access to free tax filing services

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It's that time of year to start thinking about filing your taxes.

United Way has partnered with the Internal Revenue Service to offer Idahoans a free online service.

You can file both your federal and state taxes through

Individuals and families that earn less than $62,000 a year qualify.

The website prompts are designed to make sure you get the most possible amount of money back.

"It kind of guides you through the process, asks you questions like, 'You may qualify for these tax credits, do you want to investigate?' And then, it will take you through a series of questions, and depending on how you answer them, it will let you know whether you qualify or not," says Joyce Bailey, who encourages people to not be intimidated by filing taxes on your own. "So, it's very user-friendly."

There is also help for Spanish speakers through this service.