

Idaho's Congressmen Remark on Averted Government Shutdown

Mike Simpson
and last updated

A spending bill to avoid a government shutdown passed with only minutes to spare as President Biden signed a temporary spending solution just before 11:30 p.m., narrowly avoiding the deadline.

RELATED | Biden signs last-minute bill to avoid government shutdown

Idaho's congressional delegation each made statements discussing the impact of a potential shutdown and the state of the federal government during the shutdown scare.

Idaho Senators Jim Risch (R) and Mike Crapo (R) released the following statement after voting in favor of the 45-day spending bill to fund the federal government:

"Government shutdowns hurt taxpayers," said Risch and Crapo. "This legislation will keep the government's lights on while ensuring our troops and border agents receive the pay they have earned. During this time, we will continue to advocate for a long-term funding solution that saves taxpayer dollars and serves the needs of Idahoans."

Congressman Mike Simpson (R) of Idaho's 2nd district also voted to avert the government shutdown. In a statement that highlighted his dedication to reducing government spending while keeping federal systems operational, Simpson said the following:

“Today, I voted in favor of a short-term funding measure to keep our government open and working on behalf of the American people,” said Rep. Simpson. “This stopgap funding measure will allow Congress to continue our work approving appropriations bills that secure the border, reduce government spending, and hold the Biden Administration accountable for their failed policies. Government shutdowns are never a good way to govern, and Members of Congress should not use them as a negotiation tactic. I take my responsibility to Idahoans to promote responsible government spending seriously, but we cannot accomplish that goal if the federal government is shut down. This temporary stopgap measure will allow the House to continue our important work enacting bills that get our economy on a sustainable, healthy path for the future."

Idaho's fourth federal representative, Congressman Russ Fulcher (R) was the state's only delegate to oppose the spending resolution. In a press release, the congressman explained that he believed the spending bill left pressing matters unaddressed, so he voted against the measure to keep the government operational.

"The House of Representatives has passed several appropriations bills over the last few months to fund more than 70% of the Federal Government. To be clear, Chuck Schumer’s Senate has not passed any regular appropriation bills," said the Congressman. Throughout this entire process, I have supported efforts to keep the government funded, control spending, and end chaos at the Southern Border. Unfortunately, the most recent Continuing Resolution does not address these pressing matters my constituents want addressed. Therefore, I opposed this final Continuing Resolution."

The spending bill is currently keeping the federal government open, giving the House and the Senate more time to finalize more thorough spending legislation.