

Idaho’s coronavirus numbers improve, but Ada records over 120 cases. 7 deaths added

and last updated

This article was originally published by Ruth Brown in the Idaho Statesman.

Idaho reported 372 new confirmed coronavirus cases Tuesday and 111 new probables, for a total of 483, while also adding seven COVID-19-related deaths to the statewide count.

The new numbers were recorded on the same day that Idaho Gov. Brad Little announced he would return Idaho to Stage 3 of his reopening plan, which lifts restrictions on gatherings of more than 10 people.

Ada County far and away was the trouble spot Tuesday for new confirmed cases, with 126 added, bringing the countywide total to 38,169, according to Health and Welfare.

Canyon County and Kootenai County each reported 39 new confirmed cases of the virus Tuesday. Canyon’s countywide total is now 20,238, according to Southwest District Health, and Kootenai’s total is 14,075, according to the Panhandle Health District.

Another seven people were reported dead Tuesday because of COVID-19-related causes, bringing the statewide death toll to 1,744. Two deaths were reported in Nez Perce County and Bonneville, Bannock, Payette, Cassia and Minidoka counties added one apiece.

Health and Welfare estimates that 83,336 people have recovered from the virus and it has recorded 30,418 probable cases.

Since the pandemic reached Idaho, a total of 133,334 cases have been confirmed statewide.

Other counties to confirm new cases of coronavirus Tuesday include: Latah (12 new, 2,401 total), Nez Perce (8 new, 3,013 total), Lewis (-1 new, 274 total), Bannock (15 new, 4,427 total), Franklin (4 new, 814 total), Bear Lake (3 new, 238 total), Bingham (3 new, 2,481 total), Adams (5 new, 243 total), Gem (3 new, 1,294 total), Owyhee (1 new, 850 total), Payette (2 new, 1,850 total), Washington (1 new, 838 total), Boise (1 new, 221 total), Elmore (2 new, 1,177 total), Valley (6 new, 596 total), Boundary (2 new, 350 total) Bonner (18 new, 2,233 total), Bonneville (24 new, 8,447 total), Teton (1 new, 588 total), Madison (16 new, 5,160 total), Fremont (4 new, 847 total), Jefferson (6 new, 1,693 total), Blaine (21 new, 1,808 total), Cassia (2 new, 2,392 total), Jerome (3 new, 1,910 total), Minidoka (1 new, 1,874 total), Twin Falls (5 new, 6,843 total).


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 131,909, according to Health and Welfare. Of those, 83,413 people have received only their first dose.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 6,732 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 1,176 admissions to the ICU and 8,865 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of Feb. 1, the health system was reporting 44 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 480 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 8%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of Feb. 1, the health system was reporting 48 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 341 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 13.5%.

Testing totals: At the end of the day Tuesday, Health and Welfare reported that 607,115 people had been tested statewide. Nearly 22% of those have been positive for COVID-19.

Boise School District: Reported positive cases from Jan. 19-Feb. 1: Adams Elementary (1), Boise High (1), Borah High (5), Capital High (6), East Junior High (4), Garfield Elementary (1), Hawthorne Elementary (1), Hillside Junior High (2), Liberty Elementary (1), Lowell Elementary (2), Monroe Elementary (1), Pierce Park Elementary (1), Riverglen Junior High (2), Riverside Elementary (4), Shadow Hills Elementary (4), South Junior High (3), Taft Elementary (2), Timberline High School (3), West Junior High (1), Whittier Elementary (1).

West Ada School District: Reported cases from Jan. 19-Feb. 1: Centennial High (1), Eagle High (5), Meridian High (1), Mountain View High (7), Rocky Mountain High (1), Eagle Middle (2), Heritage Middle (3), Lake Hazel Middle (2), Lowell Scott Middle (2), Sawtooth Middle (1), Star Middle (2), Barbara Morgan STEM Academy (1), Desert Sage Elementary (2), Frontier Elementary (1), Hunter Elementary (1), Pioneer School of the Arts (4), Seven Oaks Elementary (1), Siena Elementary (2), Silver Sage Elementary (1), Summerwind STEM (1).

Counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases: Ada 38,169, Adams 243, Bannock 4,427, Bear Lake 238, Benewah 415, Bingham 2,481, Blaine 1,808, Boise 221, Bonner 2,233, Bonneville 8,447, Boundary 350, Butte 149, Camas 50, Canyon 20,238, Caribou 326, Cassia 2,392, Clark 44, Clearwater 742, Custer 175, Elmore 1,177, Franklin 814, Fremont 847, Gem 1,294, Gooding 894, Idaho 871, Jefferson 1,693, Jerome 1,910, Kootenai 14,075, Latah 2,401, Lemhi 395, Lewis 274, Lincoln 367, Madison 5,160, Minidoka 1,874, Nez Perce 3,013, Oneida 209, Owyhee 850, Payette 1,850, Power 443, Shoshone 910, Teton 588, Twin Falls 6,843, Valley 596, Washington 838.