

Idaho’s COVID-19 cases continue to decline, but state lags national vaccine pace

Posted 1:31 AM, May 11, 2021
and last updated 1:31 AM, May 11, 2021

This article was originally published by Nicole Blanchard in the Idaho Statesman.

Idaho’s COVID-19 daily case numbers and seven-day moving average for cases continue to decline, though the state continues to trail the national pace for vaccinations, according to Idaho Department of Health and Welfare data.

Health officials reported 340 new COVID-19 cases for the weekend and Monday, bringing the seven-day moving average of new daily cases down to 157.7. The moving average, which had hovered between 250 and 350 cases per day for several months, has continued to trend downward in recent weeks.

Idaho is reporting vaccination rates that lag behind the national average in all metrics. Health and Welfare’s vaccine data dashboard shows 44.4% of vaccine-eligible Idahoans have received at least one dose, compared with 56.9% of eligible individuals nationwide. The gap is not good with seniors, either. Around 73% of Idahoans 65 and older have received at least one vaccine dose of the COVID-19 vaccine — 10% less than the national average of 83.6%.

On Monday, Boise State University officials said in a news alert that there are dozens of on-campus vaccine appointments still open for this week. The university’s vaccination clinic offers Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccines. Appointments are available online at

Idaho officials reported no new COVID-19-related deaths on Monday. To date, 2,061 Idahoans have died of the disease. Health officials report 189,128 total COVID-19 infections in the state over the past 14 months.

The following Idaho counties reported new cases on Monday that cover the past three days: Ada (108 new, 52,025 total), Bannock (4 new, 8,750 total), Benewah (1 new, 683 total), Bingham (6 new, 4,821 total), Boise (1 new, 357 total), Bonner (5 new, 3,238 total), Bonneville (9 new, 14,870 total), Canyon (53 new, 26,702 total), Cassia (1 new, 2,939 total), Clearwater (1 new, 1,051 total), Custer (1 new, 248 total), Elmore (8 new, 2,004 total), Fremont (1 new, 1,130 total), Gem (8 new, 1,771 total), Gooding (8 new, 1,311 total), Idaho (2 new, 1,216 total), Jefferson (7 new, 3,000 total), Jerome (7 new, 2,602 total), Kootenai (57 new, 18,019 total), Latah (11 new, 3,139 total), Lemhi (1 new, 525 total), Lincoln (1 new, 505 total), Madison (10 new, 7,188 total), Minidoka (1 new, 2,339 total), Nez Perce (8 new, 3,621 total), Owyhee (2 new, 1,064 total), Payette (4 new, 2,553 total), Shoshone (4 new, 1,112 total), Twin Falls (9 new, 9,499 total), Valley (1 new, 838 total) and Washington (1 new, 1,214 total).

Officials removed one reported case in Blaine County (2,368 total).


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 1,123,597, according to Health and Welfare. Of those, 536,571 people have been fully vaccinated.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 8,232 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 1,389 admissions to the ICU and 10,541 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of May 9, the health system was reporting 24 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 389 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 4%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of May 9, the health system was reporting 31 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 335 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 8.5%.

Boise School District: Reported confirmed cases since April 27: Boise High School (2), East Jr. High (1), Garfield Elementary (1), Liberty Elementary (1), Maple Grove Elementary (2), Shadow Hills Elementary (2), Trail Wind Elementary (2), West Jr. High (2).

West Ada School District: Reported confirmed cases for April 26-May 9: Centennial High (2), Eagle High (1), Rocky Mountain High (1), Lake Hazel Middle (1), Lewis and Clark Middle (2), Lowell Scott Middle (1), Meridian Middle (1), Sawtooth Middle (1), Chaparral Elementary (1), Christine Donnell (1), Hillsdale Elementary (1), Peregrine Elementary (1), Ponderosa Elementary (1).

Total COVID-19 cases by county (confirmed + probable): Ada 52,025, Adams 339, Bannock 8,750, Bear Lake 382, Benewah 683, Bingham 4,821, Blaine 2,368, Boise 357, Bonner 3,238, Bonneville 14,870, Boundary 868, Butte 210, Camas 71, Canyon 26,702, Caribou 692, Cassia 2,939, Clark 59, Clearwater 1,051, Custer 248, Elmore 2,004, Franklin 1,182, Fremont 1,130, Gem 1,771, Gooding 1,311, Idaho 1,216, Jefferson 3,000, Jerome 2,602, Kootenai 18,019, Latah 3,139, Lemhi 525, Lewis 395, Lincoln 505, Madison 7,188, Minidoka 2,339, Nez Perce 3,621, Oneida 360, Owyhee 1,064, Payette 2,553, Power 653, Shoshone 1,112, Teton 1,215, Twin Falls 9,499, Valley 838, Washington 1,214.