

Idaho spends $715K to uphold gay marriage ban


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Idaho's losing legal battle over defending the state's ban on same-sex marriage has cost taxpayers roughly $715,000.

Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter and other top elected officials unanimously approved paying $34,000 out of the state's Constitutional Defense Fund on Friday to cover the remaining attorney fees and court costs.

The state has already paid $628,000 to attorneys representing the four lesbian couples who sued Idaho over the state's same-sex marriage ban, plus another $53,000 paid to a private law firm hired to represent Idaho in the case.

Idaho lost the federal lawsuit and subsequent appeals.

The Constitutional Defense Fund was created in 1995 to defend the state's legal rights against the federal government. Members include Otter, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, House Speaker Scott Bedke and Senate Pro Tem Brent Hill.