

Idaho’s wolf population is dropping, a welcome development for Idaho Fish and Game.

Wolf Population Idaho

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Fish and Game has estimated that the Idaho wolf population declined approximately 13 percent since 2021, based on camera surveys that measure the population during their annual peak in the Summer.

The 2022 estimate is based on information gathered from over 500 cameras in July and August, amassing around 10 million photos. AI software is then used to analyze the pictures and apply mathematical modeling to produce the population estimate.

This reported reduction in population is welcomed news to IDFG. For the past several years, numbers have hovered around 1500. This new estimate is about 1300.

The decline in numbers can be attributed to hunters and trappers, conflicts with livestock, and management of hunting season and methods by Fish and Game.

The goal has been to keep a manageable number wolves in Idaho, as well as staying off of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Endangered Species List, as wolves were delisted in Idaho in May, 2011.

US Fish and Wildlife Services suggests an optimal number of about 500 wolves for proper management in Idaho. The number reflects what is believed ideal to maintain both a sustainable wolf population and healthy elk herds.

Fish and Game has drafted a wolf management plan that will be available for public review and comment on their website in February. The plan is expected to outline population goals, actions and timelines.