

If you like animals, becoming a ZooTeen can be 'Wildly' fulfilling

Zoo Boise offers summer volunteer opportunities for teens in the Treasure Valley

BOISE, Idaho — Conservation. Education. Recreation. That’s Zoo Boise’s mission, and executing that mission wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations and volunteers.

ZooTeens is one of those volunteering programs.

“I just love the environment and being able to excite guests here at the zoo about the different animals here,” says Sidney Hagedorn, a 3rd-year ZooTeen.

In the ZooTeen program, students are able to practice their public speaking skills, learn about zoo operations, and then teach Zoo visitors as docents.

Austin Reich works as Zoo Boise’s Interpretation Coordinator, but got his start in the ZooTeen program years ago.

ZooTeens face painting young visitors

“My ZooTeen experience was one of my most memorable, and probably impactful things I did as a teenager to help me move forward in my career,” says Reich. “All the teens who join the ZooTeen program usually are here because they love animals in one way or another, but then we get to add on the bonus of professional development.”

Raising funds for their conservation project of choice, running zoo exhibits, and face painting are just a few of the responsibilities ZooTeens will take on.

“I learned about personal qualities, not procrastinating, and mostly [learned] about the animals,” says Linnea Moreno, a 2nd-year ZooTeen. She also says she volunteered over 330 hours at the Zoo last season, the most of any student.

Even though there are about 160 ZooTeens, the application process for becoming one is competitive. Months of interviews and planning goes into selecting the volunteers. Teens between the ages of 13-17 are eligible.

ZooTeen shows guests animal

“I would definitely encourage younger kids who love animals, maybe even if you don’t know a lot about them but want to learn,” says Hagedorn.

Applications for next season's program open this December. Program details can be found on their website.