

ISP close to wrapping up Yantis investigation


The Idaho State Police is wrapping up their investigation in the fatal shooting of Jack Yantis and will be handing over their results to the Idaho Attorney General in the coming days.

"We want the individuals, families and community to know that this investigation has been at the top of our priority list and we are eager for its conclusion," said Captain Bill Gardiner.  "As with all investigations, the work must be thoroughly and accurately completed.  We appreciate the patience displayed by all involved."

ISP detectives have interviewed forty-two people including several people who were interviewed multiple times.

Detectives gathered twenty-eight pieces of evidence at the scene of the shooting which has been sent to four different laboratories for forensic analysis.

ISP is still waiting on two reports from forensic laboratories to close their investigation. Those findings will then head to the Attorney General’s Office who is acting as special prosecutor in the case.

Jack Yantis was shot and killed on U.S. 95 in 2015 during a dispute with Adams County Sheriff’s Office deputies involving an injured bull on the highway.

Stick with 6 On Your Side for the latest on the case.