

Jaialdi 2022 canceled, festival expected to be back in 2025

Posted at 10:46 AM, Nov 19, 2021

BOISE, Idaho — Jaialdi 2022 has been canceled again, the second time the event has been postponed due to COVID-19 concerns.

Jaialdi is traditionally celebrated every five years and will return in 2025. Organizers of the festival say keeping everyone safe has been their highest priority and were faced with the choice to either limit the scope and access to the events or postpone until 2025.

"Jaialdi is one of the biggest events in the state," said Jaialdi board member Amy Wray. "This celebration typically attracts everyone from small children to elderly grandparents, as well as a large contingent of visitors from overseas. We couldn't find a path forward that would keep all our attendees safe without severely curtailing access to the event or limiting its scope."

Ticket refunds for events at Expo Idaho are still being finalized and more information on that will be shared soon. Other event refunds were processed previously.

People are encouraged to contact their hotel and reschedule room dates and cancel any airline tickets.

If you were registered as a vendor, the vendor coordinator will contact you to issue refunds. Every person or business that reserved space in the program book will be contacted and refunds will be issued.

The cancellation of Jaialdi 2022 will not affect the timing of the next festival. Jaialdi 2025 is scheduled to take place during the last week of July 2025.