Kuna School District officials are investigating an incident in which a ten-year-old Teed Elementary School student was stabbed Monday, a District spokesman said.
The attack happened about 11 a.m. in a special-education class, and involved one student stabbing another with a pencil. Part of the pencil point broke off and is now embedded in the victim’s arm, the boy’s mother told us.
The attack was reportedly prompted by an earlier playground confrontation between the two students.
“This is a big deal, and we’re taking it very seriously,” said Kuna School District spokesman David Reinhart.
The male teacher, who was in the classroom at the time, separated the students and informed their parents. Both students were sent home for the day with their parents.
The assistant principal met with the victim’s mother on Monday to discuss what Reinhart called “a safety plan” when her son returns to classes.
The mother said she took her son to St. Luke’s Hospital in Meridian Monday. He is currently being treated with antibiotics.
District administrators did not learn of the attack until the following day -– which is not unusual, according to Reinhart. “I learned about it via a phone call from the victim’s mother Tuesday morning, when I walked into my office,” he stated. “Incidents are usually handled at the lower level (within a school) and often, it is a judgment call by the school administrators whether to report it to the District office.”
“Everything happened so fast, perhaps the (Teed personnel) were not aware of the severity of the situation at the time,” he added. “But, in reviewing this matter, we’ve determined all protocols were followed and no policies were violated.”
District officials –- including the school’s Ada County Sheriff’s Office student resource officer -- met with the victim’s mother on Tuesday. “We are staying in contact with her to monitor her son’s condition,” said Reinhart.
"The offender has been dealt with,” he stated. Given privacy restrictions, however, he could not provide additional details.