

Lawmakers complete walking challenge


Lawmakers are hanging up their tennis shoes as the Blue Cross of Idaho's “Steps for Schools” challenge wraps up.

For the last month lawmakers have been counting their steps with the intent to win money for schools in their districts. Twenty lawmakers ended up averaging more than 10,000 steps a day. Overall, more than 12 million steps were taken.

The first place winner was Representative Steven Harris, R-Meridian, who made an impressive 23,831 step daily average during the month.

"As civil servants we're examples, we're seen, we're up front, we're visible,” he said. “It's important we set a good example. I've always been active, my kids have been active and if we can set a good example for the community then that's great."

Harris won $3,000 for Mary McPherson Elementary to be used for exercise initiatives. Another Treasure Valley lawmaker, Representative Mat Erpelding, D-Boise, came in third place winning $1,000 for Lowell Elementary.