

Lawmakers to take public testimony on health care coverage


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The Idaho lawmakers tasked with fixing the state's so-called Medicaid gap will take public testimony later this month.

The nine-member legislative working group is examining how to provide medical care to the estimated 78,000 Idahoans who don't qualify for Medicaid or make too much to for a subsidy.

The next meeting is set for Sept. 28 at the Statehouse in Boise. People wishing to testify in person or by phone can sign up by contacting the Legislative Services Office.

At the last meeting, the lawmakers were split on the best solution -- revisiting the same arguments that has stalled similar debates in the past. Many say they don't want a solution that requires the state to accept more federal funding. But others say the state should expand Medicaid, the federal health care program designed to cover the poor.