

Local businesses come together to Support Mayor McLean


BOISE, Idaho — On Friday, Boise Fact Check, a local political action committee, released a coalition letter signed by 18 local small business owners explaining why they’re supporting Lauren McLean in the upcoming November 7 election.

“Over the last 4 years, Boise has seen transparent and accessible leadership from McLean,” the letter says. “She has listened to feedback and prioritized community solutions. This communication and willingness to seek input from industry leaders and everyday residents has reinforced the collaborative spirit that makes Boise a place so many people can continue to call home.”

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“We have been very impressed with Mayor McLean’s efforts towards addressing housing affordability and delivering long-term infrastructure to support continued growth in Boise,” said Casey Lynch, the CEO of multi-family housing development firm Roundhouse. “The land use and permitting reforms — as well as the City’s initiatives to collaborate with developers in public/private partnerships — are great steps to ensure Boise remains accessible and welcoming to our children and grandchildren.”