

Local church collecting items for Ukraine


Every day we hear about the need for more weapons for Ukraine to fight off the Russians — but just as important is the humanitarian aid.

And right now a three-day effort to raise humanitarian aid is underway at the Full Gospel Slavik Church.

When people see the video from Ukraine showing people have nothing and are lucky to escape with their lives, it's understandable how many people want to do their part. When war broke out half way around the world, there was no guarantee people everywhere would jump on the bandwagon to help out.

But Idaho didn't hesitate.

"We received 3,000 boxes of supplies during our first drive all of which have been shipped out at this point," said Natalia Khochay, spokesperson for Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine. "It's been amazing to see community come together huge team effort"

It starts with knowing the war is unjust and immoral. Daily pictures show people uprooted, their homes completely destroyed. But for people like Nataliya Barbin with direct ties to Ukraine, that urgency is much greater.

"I've never personally been back," said Barbin. "But I still have grandparents and many cousins and uncles there."

Against all odds, the Ukranians are defending their homeland, but the toll has been huge and the need gigantic.

"Medical supplies continues to be huge priority," said Khochay. "And food is high priority, especially ready to eat dry goods and canned foods and fish."

And just about any donation can help. The personal ones are as symbolically important as the relief they provide.

"We even had a lady bring in quilts they made with their group of friends and just wanted the items to go-to the children of Ukraine so they can feel they are loved and to me that's just the biggest act of kindness," said Barbin.

A full list of needed items can be found online. If you have a pallet of medical supplies just hanging around, that's great to donate. But much easier is to donate cash and the website makes it easy to do.

The supply drive continues through 4 p.m. Saturday at the Full Gospel Slavik Church at 251 W. Lake Hazel Road in Meridian.