NewsLocal NewsVallow-Daybell Coverage


Court TV: Attorneys focus on Tammy Daybell's health in Chad Daybell Trial


BOISE, Idaho — Tammy Daybell's death was the focus of the Chad Daybell trial on Wednesday.

  • Fremont County Coroner Brenda Dye is called to testify
  • Tammy's former clogging teacher is called to tesity

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

The triple murder trial of Chad Daybell began Wednesday with testimony from the coroner who responded to the death of Tammy Daybell, Chad Daybell's first wife.

Initially, she did not determine Tammy's death to be a homicide, but then she changed her mind.

Arizona investigators contacted her, they mentioned the names Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow Daybell and Alex Cox.

Defense Attorney John Prior: "Have you recently made any amendments to the death certificate?"

Fremont County Coroner Brenda Dye: "Yes."

Prior: "And what have you done with that?"

Dye: "The manner of death was changed to homicide. The cause of death was changed to asphyxiation by suffocation."

Chad Daybell's defense counsel focused on Dyes' decision not to have an autopsy conducted on Tammy Daybell initially.

Prior: "She didn't want her mother treated that way as part of the examination. Is that was her primary and only concern was?"

Dye: "Yes."

Prior: "Ok. And yet Chad was indifferent one way or the other. He didn't tell you one way or the other, whether he wanted one or didn't want one. Isn't that true?"

Dye: "Yes."

Tammy's health prior to her death was a big focus on Wednesday. Chad had told investigators she had health issues.

Tammy's clogging teacher testified, Tammy was physically fit.

State Prosecutor: "With respect to the questions that you were just asked. Is there any doubt that you have in your assessment of watching Tammy and clogging class and her performance?"

Dye: There's no doubt. No."

This capital murder case continues Thursday.