NewsLocal NewsVallow-Daybell Coverage


Court TV: State plays jailhouse phone call with plans to rest their case on Thursday


BOISE, Idaho — In the trial of Chad Daybell, the State played a never heard before phone call between Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell.

(The following is the transcript from the broadcast story)

Wednesday in court, the State played a never heard before jailhouse phone call between Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Ddaybell. Lori and Chad spoke several times a day while Lori sat in jail and Chad was still living his life.

At this time, Tammy is already dead, as is Lori's fourth husband, Charles Vallow. Alex Cox is also deceased.

Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow are deceased as well, but their bodies have not yet been found.

Lori: "Ultimately, what I need from you is that the project is gonna be finished and everything is gonna be fine and it's gonna work out."

Chad: "That's what he said."

Lori: "I need you to tell me that every day several times."

Chad: "OK. My sweet, lovely, Lola. Things are going to work out. Not just because he said so because I know so."

The phone call took place on June 8th 2020. Chad was assuring Lori things would be fine.

The next day, investigators are searching his property and found the remains of J.J. and Tylee.

"Detective in that conversation, who is asking who for assurances?" Prosecutors asked.

"Lori was asking Chad. And, we found that throughout multiple phone calls, she would ask Chad for assurance," testified Detective Ray Hermosillo with the Rexburg Police Department.

"And who said they had seen the plan?" continued Prosecutors.

"The defendant Chad Daybell," answered Det. Hermosillo

And the State expects to rest its case in chief tomorrow.