NewsLocal NewsVallow-Daybell Coverage


East Idaho News: Six jurors from Daybell trial share their experience

Juror #9 discusses Chad Daybell Trial

BOISE, Idaho — On Monday, six jurors who served in the trial of Chad Daybell, sharing their experience with Nate Eaton, our media partner with East Idaho News.

  • Nick, Juror #9, first spoke to Nate Eaton one-on-one.
  • Nick explains the moments the jurors agreed on a verdict of guilty on all counts.
  • Six jurors later spoke with Eaton on the impact the trial had on their lives.
  • You can watch the interviews in full, on the East Idaho News YouTube page.

(Below is a transcript from the broadcast story that aired on Idaho News 6)

On Monday, six jurors who served on Chad Daybell's trial, sitting down with Nate Eaton our media partner with East Idaho News.

Nick, Juror number 9, explaining to Eaton the moments the jury reached and all-guilty verdict.

"We went around the room on each count and we went, 'Do you agree? You? Yes. Yes. Yes.' All throughout each one of us," Nick explained.

"Were there ever some nos?" Asked Eaton.

"On the guilt part? Nothing," answered Nick. "We were convinced."

The group of jurors, explaining the impact the trial will have on their lives.

"You can't write this stuff. I mean you really can't. I think I lost track, when we were in the middle of it, of how big and how crazy this whole thing was, and how many people it affected," said Tracy, Juror #11.

"I feel a lot the same way. The impact it's had on so many people, and now there's 18 more of us. That, we didn't ask to do it, it was our civil duty, we did it. And now it will effect each and every one of us for the rest of our lives. We have to live with that decision," added Dana, Juror #12.

Nick says jurors in the trial were offered counseling services.

You can watch Nate's full and emotional interviews online.