NewsLocal NewsVallow-Daybell Coverage


Family testimony: Several close family members including Chad Daybell's mom testify in his murder trial

JJ Vallow's grandmother Kay Woodcock, as well as Chad Daybell's mother and sister-in-law all testify in court.

BOISE, Idaho — The State calls Chad Daybell's mother to the stand along with his sister-in-law. But the day begins with the grandmother of JJ Vallow, Kay Woodcock. Most of the testimony surrounded statements made by Lori Vallow Daybell

RECAP: The Trial of Chad Daybell Day 15

(Verbatim of the story that aired is below)

The State calls Chad Daybell's mother to the stand. I'm senior reporter Roland Beres at the Ada County Courthouse in downtown Boise, what she had to say on the stand.

A lot of family connections taking the stand in day 15 of the Chad Daybell murder trial.

First on the stand, Kay Woodcock, the grandmother of JJ Vallow, whose body was found on Chad's property.

She testified that she saw unusual activity on her brother Charles Vallow’s Amazon account after his death at the hands of Lori Vallows's brother Alex Cox.

On cross examination, John Prior asked how it had anything to do with Chad Daybell.

“The search was done by Lori Vallow, right? Yes. And Chad Daybell didn’t have any access to Lori Vallow's account, right? I have no idea. And you don’t have an idea whether or not Chad Daybell even had knowledge that Lori Vallow was going to make those purchases, do you? Say that again please. Well, you don’t have any specific knowledge that suggests Chad Daybell was involved in helping her purchase those items do you? I guess not.”

The next witness was Chad Daybell’s mom Shiela Daybell.

She testified surprise at finding Chad and Tammy were married shortly after Chad's previous wife Tammy died.

(We noticed that they had these rings on and my husband said are you engaged and they said; No we’re married. Were you surprised? Yeah.”)

Lastly, Chad's sister-in-law Heather Daybell took the stand and testified that it was odd how Chad explained Tammy’s death from choking on vomit.

“The whole time he was explaining that, it felt scripted to me, like he was reading it or it just felt very scripted was the word that came to my mind and it made me feel very uneasy.”

She testified that three to four weeks later she had an angry phone call with Chad where he confirmed that he and Lori had married. She testified that Chad told her Tammy had died of a pulmonary embolism, countering what she says Chad told her the day after Tammy’s death.