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Work begins on Highway 55 traffic signal in Banks

The much anticipated project will replace flaggers on busy weekends

BANKS, Idaho — It’s been something that’s been talked about for years, and now it’s becoming a reality — a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 55 and the Banks-Lowman Highway.

Matt Kreizenbeck is the District Three Community Outreach coordinator for I.T.D. and says this project is a long time coming. I asked Kreizenbeck why this is something that’s always brought up. "It’s a yearly topic and what we have found is the public has been desiring a solution for this intersection," Kreizenbeck said.
That solution is a traffic signal light at the busy Highway 55 and the Banks-Lowman highway.
On Tuesday, the drilling starts for the concrete that will support the poles, and then the electrical work will follow.

“There will be a signal pole over in this corner and that corner over there," Kreizenbeck said. "You’ll see two mast arms coming out from each control pole to control the four legs of each intersection.”

As far as when it should be done, Kreizenbeck says crews are hopeful it will be operational later this spring and before the busy Memorial Day weekend.
I asked if even the workers are subject to traffic delays. “I have, but I try to avoid it.”

The lights are planned to be operational 7 days a week, and they will monitor the traffic for timing purposes.
Look for lane restrictions while they work on this project which they hope will be done later this spring, and you can always look at ITD's 511 map.