Central District Health (CDH) says an adult living within the district died of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, in February.
The health district covers Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley counties.
CDH adds that while pertussis is listed as the cause of death, other health factors could have contributed.
The current pertussis outbreak has been ongoing since January 2024, with a large jump in case numbers. Since January 2024, CDH reports 574 cases of pertussis, compared to seven cases in 2023 and two cases in 2022.
To avoid the spread of the disease, people should wash their hands often, cough into their arm, and talk to a physician if they have a cough, runny nose, congestion, or fever.
CDH says pertussis is more severe in children and those with certain underlying health conditions.
Symptoms may include a high-pitched "whoop" sound when inhaling at the end of a coughing fit. Other symptoms include a fever, runny nose, or congestion, but CDH says most will recognize it from the long-lasting cough.
Pertussis is preventable and treatable. CDH offers two types of vaccines at their Boise office.