

Local night vision goggle company gets FAA approval


The first lesson in flying is to always look for the next safe place to land.

That can be tough to do in the dark, unless you have night vision goggles.

Boise-based Aviation Specialties Unlimited, or ASU, makes night vision goggles used by the military, helicopter pilots and even low-flying crop-dusters, who prefer to fly at night.

Now, single-engine planes carrying cargo or passengers can also use night vision.

In a world regulated by the FAA, the goggles are relatively affordable at $14,000.

They increase background light 6,000 times.

For Idaho's many backcountry fliers, that can be a lifesaver.

Not only does it add safety in case of emergency, but backcountry fliers could use the goggles to expand their hours of operation.