

Local students meet Thunderbirds ahead of Gowen Thunder 2023


BOISE, Idaho — Students at the Dennis Technical Education Center (DTEC) met the Air Force Thunderbirds on Friday ahead of their weekend aerial performance.

The elite fighter pilot team answered questions about their work while inspiring the next generation of students to achieve their highest goals.

“It’s really a privilege that somebody would choose me for this job to showcase what the Air Force does, what the team does. To just try and impart our wisdom to inspire those that can and cannot serve to just be the best version of themselves to whatever they choose to do,” said Major Daniel Katz.

Katz is the lead solo pilot for the Thunderbirds. The F-16 fighter team is one of the many performing at Gowen Thunder 2023 airshow. Though the shows run smoothly, members of the Thunderbirds team highlighted the dangers of these jet acrobatics.

“Risk is always there when you fly a fighter jet, but we mitigate that risk as much as possible because these guys are flying 18 inches apart, and like I said earlier they are my best friends and I want them to come back safe,” said Captian Kaity Toner.

Students at DTEC say the talk gave them the confidence to be their best selves and see new career paths to explore.

“Today's presentation was really inspiring on multiple fronts. One of the people here, Agent, actually had the same career path as me and it was just inspiring to see how different opportunities can lead you down different routes,” said Jemes Sullivan, Senior at DTEC.