

Memorial Day gas prices

Break out the sleeping bags and tents. Memorial Day weekend and camping season are officially here. Millions of Americans are expected to hit the road over the long weekend. Many headed out to take in all that Mother Nature has to offer and just get away from it all.
"Where I'm going there is no cell service so my customers can't get a hold of me all weekend long," explained one vacationer on Highway 55.
"We call it the traditional kick-off to the summer travel season," said Dave Carlson of AAA Idaho.
This Memorial Day you won't feel as much pain at the pump according to AAA.  Gas prices are as low as they've been in five years. An estimated 200,000 Idahoans will travel 50 miles or more over the long weekend, with most of them going by motor vehicle. 
"Gasoline prices are still 40 cents below where they were a year ago and we look at the most recent five or six-year average, we haven't had anything this low since 2009," said Carlson.
That's a dollar less per gallon than two years ago. Those lower prices aren't just fueling gas takes but people's sense of adventure. For some, it's a spur of the moment trip. Others have been planning for weeks. 
"You just have to plan a cool place to go and get ready and go," said another traveler.