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Twin Falls Police help explain which businesses are essential

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TWIN FALLS, Idaho — The Twin Falls Police Department has set out to educate the public on what businesses are essential or non-essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. The police force has received many calls within the past weeks in regards to the subject.

Supermarkets, pharmacies, and take out/delivery spots are known essentials, but the line gets hazy once regular appliance or leisure stores remain open. Police Chief Craig Kingsbury says many of the stores staying open are doing so because they may carry a product that is deemed necessary.

Kingsbury touched base on liquor stores and some sporting good stores remained open because they fall underneath Governor Brad Little's stay-at-home order. The department has been handling these inquiries by going to local businesses and discussing with the owners why they find themselves essential. These owners will need to fill out a questionnaire and send it to the city where the will they find out if their business is essential.

"“It’s just a five question questionnaire, which really is asking why do you feel that you’re essential. Then that form is submitted back to the city attorney, and then our city attorney--Mr. Shayne Nope--will make a determination as to whether or not he believes that business fits the bill,” said Chief Kingsbury.

There have also been inquiries to the local department about social distancing and following these guidelines to limit the spread of coronavirus. Kingsbury mentioned how they have been effectively communicating with members of the community to enforce this rule.

There have still been instances in which some people have taken maters into their own hands and attempt to fix it on their own, rather than contact local authorities. Kingsbury mentioned how the public needs to be patient and help one another during this time.

“Remember that we’re all in this together, whether you’re here in Twin Falls or shopping in Boise. We’re all Idahoans and as Idahoans we need to do this together to flatten the curve and make Idaho a healthy state.”