

Man accused of hitting store employee arrested


A man accused of hitting a Wal-Mart employee when confronted for shoplifting has been arrested by Garden City Police.

Warne M. Foruria, 27, was taken into custody near the intersection of State Street and Vine Street in Boise, after authorities stopped a vehicle driven by Jessica L. Morris, 25, of Boise.

Foruria was arrested on a felony (parole violation) board warrant. Morris was taken into custody and charged with trafficking and possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver.

“This is an excellent example the strong partnerships that local and federal law enforcement have formed in the Boise area. We know that our success rate increases and our citizens and communities are safer when we all work together. In this particular case, Mr. Foruria has a violent history, and we know our community is safer with him in custody,” Chief Rick Allen said.