

Management plans advance for central Idaho wilderness areas

Management plans advance for central Idaho wilderness areas
and last updated

Three new central Idaho wilderness areas could have management plans in place this year.

Federal officials released the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness Management Plan covering 183 square miles earlier this month -- and are taking comments from those who previously participated in the process through June 4th.

Officials say they chose a middle-ground approach for restrictions on human visitors while still preserving the natural setting.

Officials say they'll also release plans for the 138-square-mile Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness and the 142-square-mile Cecil D. Andrus White Clouds Wilderness in the next several months.

President Barack Obama signed the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act in 2015 -- after Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho got ranchers, recreationists, and environmental groups to back the plan.

(by Keith Ridler, Associated Press)